Wednesday, 4 September 2013

Vintage: A Never Ending Debate

There has been an undeniable surge in the popularity of vintage shops and clothing, but has the art of thrift shopping been exploited for commercial use?

I'm sure anyone who is passionate about fashion knows the feeling of elation when you find a unique gem through the dusty rails of an independent vintage shop that fits. The experience (and at times, a very difficult one) is meant to be unique and fulfilling, but we can't help but notice that high streets corporations are now stocking vintage ranges -- making it difficult for genuine vintage shops to stay afloat in this poor economic climate. 

Companies such as Rokit and Beyond Retro have been expanding throughout the years steadily as vintage fashion has become a huge trend, but have prices gone up due to its popularity? The argument continues as some debate that the clothing is in poor condition. 

Topshop and Urban Outfitters offer a selection of vintage pieces in the shop floor for moderate, higher end high street prices, but this doesn't mean we should turn our cheek to the independent businesses who pioneered the idea of treasuring previously owned gems and sharing them with the world. 


T & T x

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