I didn't go to the Damien Hirst exhibition as a huge fan of his work and I must admit it was more curiosity that got me there!
I will start by writing about the things that I didn't like. Room Two was the room that horrified me the most. Mainly because it consisted of a severed cow's head surrounded by congealed blood, rotting in a tank full of live and dead flies. Needless to say this freaked me out.
We then moved through into Room Three, this room contained various things in formaldehyde, a cow cut in half - that was a bit stomach churning - and also the floating shark, that actually didn't freak me out as much as I would have thought . I found it quite fascinating that something so terrifying could be so vulnerable in a tank.
The room I did LOVE was the one full of live butterflies. This room was beautiful and it was amazing to have live butterflies fluttering around!
It was also a nice change to all the gory death that had been inflicted upon me in the other rooms.
So I know that was a brief description of the exhibition, but I don't want to ruin it for people that haven't been yet!
In conclusion, definitely go see it. It may not be your cup of tea, but totally worth saying you've been.
Oh and by the way... there's no pictures, as I wasn't aloud to take any!